Wednesday, March 5, 2014

medieval and literary

Óbidos (Centro Region), Portugal

This Moorish castle and walls around the city, originating from the 8th century, today form part of the pousadas of Portugal.  A pousada is a chain of luxury, traditional or historical hotels that exist throughout the country.  Next to the castle is the Igreja de Santiago dating from the 12th century, but was completely destroyed in the 1755 earthquake of Lisbon. It was rebuilt at the end of the 18th century and eventually was left to ruin until Ler Devagar (an independent bookshop which translates into "read slowly") decided to take over and convert it into a literary space, along with 7 other locations, turning this medieval wonder into a literary town, with plans to open more in the future.


mariacaetano said...

Muito bem uma visita a Óbidos! muito bonita esta maravilhosa Vila! :) beijinhos Amy

A.A.Harmon said...

Gostei muito, sim! Obrigada!
