Saturday, June 14, 2014


Luarca (Asturias), Spain

Some of the best moments are those than just happen without any planning and that happen by chance.  Serendipity.  That is exactly what happened to us on a beautiful Sunday morning in Asturias.

I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning than listening to live music outside - and better yet - in this beautiful fishing port as a backdrop.  When walking to this area of Luarca, we heard a voice from the other side of the port singing Johnny Cash's signature song "Ring of Fire".  I thought to myself, "Wow, they're really good.  Let's get closer and check this out."  The closer we got, the more impressed I became.  It turns out, it was a group called the Strangers made up of Silvia Fernández and Lee Wolfe, but I didn't know their names at the time.  The more they sang the more I thought they had to be native English speakers, based on their accent singing.  However, hearing this duo speak between songs, I realized the man must be American and the woman Spanish, which was confirmed after the concert talking to them.  It turns out he was from Pennsylvania and she was from Asturias.  I absolutely loved the concert full of American roots music with songs as varied as Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Johnny Cash, Bonnie Raitt, Lucinda Williams, etc.  

It was one of those moments you never wanted to end, with such good music, such good weather, such good company and such beauty surrounding us!

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