Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stork nests

Barruelo del Valle, (Valladolid - Castilla y León) Spain

In all honesty, it is unusual not to see a stork nest on top of a church tower in Castilla y León!  White storks make their nests with large sticks and use them for several years.  They lay eggs once a year and can lay as many as four at a time, while curiously both parents incubate and feed the offspring.  Nests range in size from 1-2 meters deep and 1-1.5 meters wide, weighing anywhere from 130-550 lbs (60-250 kg)!  

I love hearing the sound of a stork.  If you've never heard one before, it makes a loud clattering sound by rapidly opening and closing its beak.

(Picture of San Pelayo church from the 16/17th century)

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