Friday, January 18, 2013


Evoramonte, Portugal - Region of Alentejo

Açorda is a typical Portuguese dish, especially from the Alentejo region, made from bread, garlic, cilantro, poached egg, olive oil, water and salt.  Other things can be added such as codfish, as can be seen in this picture, other types of fish or shrimp.

It was my first time trying this dish in Evoramonte at a family run Restaurant called A Convenção.  The staff was more than kind with me and I think quite surprised that I ate every last drop and crumb!  You might think that the bowl doesn't look that big, but what you don't see in the picture is the self-serve pot they set on my table where two more bowls just like this one fit!  Needless to say, I loved it!

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