Saturday, January 19, 2013

Praça do Giraldo

Évora, Portugal - Region of Alentejo

Évora is a fascinating town full of history which dates back more than 2000 years.  Its old city center, surrounded by medieval walls, has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.  The 16th century Renaissance fountain, made of local pink marble, contains eight jets symbolizing the eight streets leading into this square - Praça do Giraldo.  In times of the Inquisition, several autos-da-fé were witnessed here.

This square is usually buzzing with people, but I arrived quite early in the morning, something unusual for me, and was able to take in the peace and quiet of the moment.


Anonymous said...

Time has stopped... so beautiful...

A.A.Harmon said...

I did stand here for quite some time, completely lost in the moment!