Monday, March 25, 2013

ceramic tiles in Coimbra

Coimbra, (Centro Region) Portugal

These tiles are from the Psychology and Educational Sciences building at the University of Coimbra, the first university established in Portugal in the 13th century and also considered one of the oldest universities in Europe.  It is one of Portugal's largest universities with students of more than 70 different nationalities.

Ceramic tiles (azulejos - derived from an Arabic word meaning "polished stone") were introduced into Portugal through the Moors in the 15th century and later Portugal began making them themselves.  They represent a very important aspect of Portuguese architecture and have been used to cover the walls, floors and even ceilings of churches, palaces, homes and other public places through the centuries, not only for decorative purposes, but sometimes for temperature control as well.

Azulejos always attract my attention.  I think they are so beautiful and could look at them for hours!  They are everywhere in Portugal!

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