Friday, March 22, 2013

Gran Vía / Alcalá

Madrid, Spain

In the heart of Madrid where the famous Gran Vía branches off Alcalá Street, two very emblematic buildings can be found, La Unión y el Fénix (original owners) on the left and the Grassy Building on the right.  La Unión y el Fénix insurance building was designed in 1911 by two French architects, Jules and Raymond Février.  In the 1970s, this building was sold to Metrópolis, another insurance company, who are the owners today.  The Grassy building contained homes and a prestigious watch shop on the ground floor run by Alejandro Grassy, a Swiss watchmaker.  This building was designed by a Spanish architect, Eladio Laredo, in 1915.  Today it is home to a watch museum.

I love observing the details of many of the magnificent buildings that can be found in Madrid.  Often times, with the hustle and bustle of life, we don't take the time to really step back and take a look at the beauty that surrounds us.

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