Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha

Coimbra, (Centro Region) Portugal

The first stones of this monastery were laid in the late 13th century on the banks of the Mondego River, however construction was delayed and really never got going again until the early 14th century, thanks to the support of Queen Elizabeth (Isabel), someone who dedicated her life to the poor.  (Click here for more information on this woman from an earlier post.)  This monastery had continuous flooding problems over the centuries and eventually had to be abandoned in the 17th century.  Another one was built on a hill nearby (Santa Clara-a-Nova) and the nuns (the Order of Saint Clare) relocated there.  Major work was done for 12 years and it reopened to the public in 2009 as an interpretation center.

In the distance, on the other side of the river, is the city of Coimbra sitting high on a hill.  The buildings rising up above the rest belong to the university with the clock tower peaking its way through.

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